Sunday, May 03, 2009

Next Stop Tanzania!!

Tomorrow I embark on yet another adventure. I am off to Tanzania, where I will be spending the next five months working for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. The ICTR, which is located in Arusha, is responsible for trying the worst perpetrators of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. But while my work life is likely to be grim (but also highly intriguing), I am hoping that my free time will bring safaris, diving in Zanzibar, and maybe even a trek up Kilimanjaro. And without Sudan's strict rules on photography, I expect this blog to acquire some new color.

That being said, I still have a lot to say about life in Darfur. So look forward to flashbacks to Nyala (and South Kordofan).

Stay tuned for more African adventures and keep your comments coming!



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