...if only President Obama knew how many things his name had been attached to!
It's taken me awhile to actually get out and do things in and around Arusha, but I'm getting there. Two weeks ago, I joined two Canadian women and a Tanzanian high schooler for an outing to a couple of the large outdoor markets outside of Arusha. We were on a quest for traditional Swahili fabric (and, in my case, housewares).

On the way to one of the two markets, I spotted the pub above. So, of course on the way back, I insisted we stopped for a photo. Sadly, it wasn't open. (Then again, it was 11:00 in the morning, so maybe that's a good thing.) Someday, however, I have to back for a beer at the Obama Pub!!
The first market was a bit of a disappointment, as its actual market days are Thursday and Sunday. Nevertheless, I was able to find a few items for my kitchen. And the second market, pictured, made up for it. We had a wide selection of fabric to choose from. I succeeded in finding fabric to make into curtains for my new apartment. Unfortunately, we were only able to find one Obama kanga (i.e., a rectangular piece of fabric depicting the President flanked by maps of Africa set against a patterned background), and Anna, one of my colleagues bought it. But I'm on a mission to get one of my own!!! (Or several, if there are different designs.)
FYI, I hope you all enjoy these photos of the market, because I was scolded for taking them. A woman said that I was supposed to ask before taking pictures of people (they usually like to be paid). Ok, fair enough, but as I asked her, am I really supposed to go around and ask 200+ people if its okay if I take a picture of the market. 
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